PowerPoint Object and Edit Views

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Each PowerPoint slide has two views for reading or entering text. They are the "Object" (reading), and "Edit" (typing in text) views. When you are in a PowerPoint slide, and begin typing in text, you are automatically put in "Edit View." You have to hit the Escape key one time to leave Edit View and return to Object View. In Object View you can move through the two or more areas on the slide you are working on.

Try the following activity to work in Object and Edit views.

Object and Edit View Method with Escape, Tab and Typing

1. Hit the Windows key one time.
2. Type "powerpoint" (without the quotes).
3. Hit the Enter key one time. If you are in PowerPoint 2013, hit the Escape key one time to move into a blank slide.
4. You are now in the "Title" box of the first PowerPoint slide. Type "My Practice" (without the quotes).
5. Hit the Escape key one time.
6. Hit the Tab key one time.
7. Type "By Your Name" (without the quotes).
8. Hit the Escape key one time.
9. Press and hold down the Control key and hit the letter m one time to create a new blank slide (you now have two slides).
10. You are in the "Title" area of the new (or second) slide. Type "Page Two" (without the quotes).
11. Hit the Escape key one time to move to Object View.
12. Hit the Tab key one time to move to the next area of the slide.
13. Type "This is the body of Page Two" (without the quotes).
14. Hit the Escape key one time to move back to Object View.
15. Practice steps 9 through 13 above until you are quick and accurate.
16. Press Alt F4 to close the PowerPoint program. Do not save the file.

